
So, I finally have the new website up and running after years of swearing “today is the day” to revamp it. I’m going to try and do a (mostly) weekly blog to give you guys a look at the tattoo world and my thoughts on some issues that are cropping up these days. Everyone has an opinion but mine is unique in that I started tattooing in a place and with people that helped create the modern tattoo world as we know it. I’ve got lots of stories to share (that may or may not be interesting to people) that should be documented for history…and also stories that were handed down from legends of the trade. Tattooing is certainly different these days… and most of the reasons that I found it so fascinating 25 years ago no longer exist. However, the idea of craftsmanship and service to people is something that keeps driving me to do my best. Nice tattoos for nice people isn’t just a catchy slogan.

I don’t know which direction these post will head but I’ll just pour out some thoughts in my head that may be of interest to someone. If nothing else, it feels good to get them down. I’ve also found that there is a wealth of old footage and interviews popping up on YouTube so will definitely be sharing some of this. All the best and thanks for reading.
